为教师 & 工作人员


In addition to the peer support we offer to students via in-person & 变焦磋商, 对短篇写作项目的书面回应, 小组讨论会, 写作资源, and specialized work with thesis and dissertation writers, the 写作中心 可以 help 教师 and staff support their students in more structured ways.

写信给医生. julie Parrish,写作中心主任,或博士. Olivia Tracy, 写作中心 Assistant Director, at wrc@ibelstaffjackets.com 探索选项,或填写我们的申请表.


  • 教学大纲语句


    写作中心为所有本科生和研究生提供个人和小组写作支持, 教师, 以及正规赌博十大平台排行的工作人员. 许多学生, even those who are confident writers or are well into their academic 程序s, 对写作有疑问. 与写作中心的同伴顾问一起工作可以帮助学生培养或刷新他们的习惯, learn new strategies to take to future classes and writing situations, and make informed and meaningful choices about their writing and language use.  

    我们的 offerings include individual 45-minute consultations in person in Anderson Academic Commons 280 or over Zoom; 20-minute consultations at our satellite sites in various buildings on campus; written peer responses to papers of up to 5 pages; drop-in hours for short conversations; our "Ask a Writer" form for quick questions with a 24-hour turnaround; writing groups; 小组讨论会; and more. 



    我们鼓励你加入这个短视频, in which a range of students talk about their writing center experiences, 在Canvas站点中. 

    Regular visitors to the 写作中心 talk about their experiences.


    At a Glance: Syllabus Statement Add-ons for Spring 2024

    • The 写作中心 (in Anderson Academic Commons 280 and Zoom) is open Mondays through Thursdays 9am–10pm; Fridays 10am–5pm; and Sundays 12pm–8pm. 


    • 所有学生都可以预约 du.mywc在线.com 对个人, 45-minute consultations 在线 in Zoom or in person in AAC 280 from Tuesday, 4月2日, 直到决赛结束. 


    • 学生可以要求同行对不超过5页的论文进行书面反馈,周转时间约为一周. 同伴反馈并不适用于所有情况,但对于那些从单独处理反馈中受益的作者来说是有用的, or who have busy schedules or unreliable internet. 同伴反应不涉及编辑或校对,而是侧重于确定修改的机会, 问问题, 建议策略. 


    • 我们的 ~35 peer consultants are graduate or advanced undergraduate students, with graduate-level training in writing center 实践, 来自不同的研究领域. 


    • 咨询是合作性的、非评估性的、以学习为导向的、反种族主义/反残疾主义的. 我们的目标是帮助学生找到有意义的方法来建立他们的写作习惯和技能,并在他们的写作实践和语言选择方面做出选择. 


    • 我们的 写作资源网站 includes a variety of 写作资源; we are always updating this site and are happy to develop or find resources in response to requests. 


    • We encourage students and 教师 to be specific about their goals when seeking writing support. 例如, “编辑”通常用来表示修改, 计划和提纲, 整合文本, 回顾结构, 建筑的证据, 甚至返回到作业提示符, as well as the more sentence- and paragraph-specific work of copyediting or proof阅读. We 可以 help with all of these actions and more: understanding assignment prompts, 阅读, 计划和提纲, 发展和完善研究问题, 文本, 分析与综合, 建立论点, 学习使用引文格式, making decisions about code-meshing and language use, 还有更多. 


    • 学生可以带学术, 公民, 个人, 专业, 以就业为导向, and creative writing to us at any stage in their process, 从他们收到作业提示的那一刻起,到他们对论文进行最后润色的那一刻. 他们是否在写一篇学术论文, 一个演讲, 一个讨论版帖子, 或者是留学申请, 他们可以通过我们的 写作资源网站
  • 写作中心课堂介绍

    咨询师可以亲自到您的班级或Zoom班,向您的学生介绍写作中心的课程. All introductions include an overview of our in-person, 在线, and asynchronous writing support and 写作资源, helping students understand why they might visit the 写作中心 and what they 可以 expect.

    对写作中心的课堂介绍通常需要15分钟左右,可以安排在第二周开始. 我们要求您至少提前六个工作日安排介绍性拜访,以便我们的顾问做好准备. 


  • 要求/奖励任用


    如果我们的员工事先了解这些任务,并能通过审查任务和更新相关体裁和写作过程的知识来做好准备,这些任务就会更有效. Your students will have a richer experience if our staff has some context. 


    • Let us know at the beginning of the quarter, or with at least two weeks' notice! 发个电子邮件到wrc@du.Edu将开始这个过程. 包括你的课程名称和编号, 招生人数, 以及写作作业的提示和截止日期. 
    • 我们接下来会问你几个问题, 正规赌博十大平台排行日程安排的一些问题, 还有一份讲义,可以和你的学生分享. This handout helps to shape their expectations and to show them how to make appointments. 

    同行顾问不应被视为专家,他们不会评估、纠正或检查工作. 而, 他们会问问题, 提供的视角, 确定相关资源, 帮助确定修改的机会, and work to support students in editing and revising their own work. 

    We suggest  you frame writing center visits as an opportunity for students to work on their writing with a consultant, rather than as an opportunity to perfect a paper. 写作中心的咨询旨在促进学习和帮助作家发展他们的写作技巧和过程.

  • 同行评议会议

    Peer review 可以 be a critical part of the writing process, and we 可以 help you to integrate an effective peer review session, 根据你的写作任务定制, 进入你的课堂. 

    同行评议会议可以在你的教室里进行,如果有空间的话,也可以在安德森学术中心进行. We require at least three weeks' notice for peer reviews. 



  • 写作资源

    我们可以识别, 牧师, and collaborate on creating 写作资源 for a specific assignment, 类型, 概念, 或者你可以和学生分享的策略. 

    创建资源可以帮助你的学生, 但它也帮助了我们的顾问, who learn more about the particular writing 你的学生 are doing. 




  • Writing Workshops for Departments, Programs, and Student Groups

    我们可以提供便利 a structured conversation or interactive workshops on a specific writing topic, 概念, 实践, 或者一个部门的对话, 程序, 或学生队列(约45-60分钟).


    如果你正在为一个特定的课程寻求支持, 我们鼓励你要求召开一次同行评议会议,或者安排一轮必要的会面. 

  • 研究海报支援

    讨论写作计划是否可以举办一个正规赌博十大平台排行海报设计和印刷研究海报的互动研讨会,并收取少量费用, please write to Writing Program Manager Amanda Thompson at writing@ibelstaffjackets.com.  




  • 写作资源

    我们的 写作资源网站 has a wide range of writing and citation resources, including support with: 

    • Specific writing situations, like literature reviews, abstracts, proposals, etc.
    • 合乎道德的语言使用 
    • 为美国学术环境写作 
    • 撰写有效的论文陈述 
    • 引用风格和做法 
    • 研究海报、摘要和提案
    • 还有更多

    如果你看不到你需要的资源, please get in touch; we are always updating our 写作资源 site. 

  • 写作磋商

    我们为教师和工作人员提供与学生相同类型的协作咨询. We work regularly with 教师 and staff on book proposals or chapters, 文章修改, 职业生涯的材料, 以及其他写作项目. 

    教职员工可以选择与其他教职员工或高级研究生一起工作. 请写信给朱莉·帕里什或奥利维亚·特蕾西 wrc@ibelstaffjackets.com.

  • 教学写作资源 & 磋商

    The 写作中心 is part of the Writing Program, which offers 广泛的资源 for 教师 teaching writing across the curriculum:

    • 编写问责小组
    • 亚欧会议支持
    • 教学资源
    • 建议



Read on for answers to questions that 教师 and staff often ask us. 更多的问题? 写信给我们: wrc@ibelstaffjackets.com 

  • How 可以 I encourage my students to visit the 写作中心?

    The 写作中心 is part of the Writing Program, which offers 广泛的资源 for 教师 teaching writing across the curriculum:

    • 编写问责小组
    • 亚欧会议支持
    • 教学资源
    • 建议


  • What kind of support will my students get when they visit?

    写作中心的工作人员主要由同行顾问组成:来自各个人文学科的研究生和高级本科生顾问, 社会科学, 和STEM领域. 


    同行顾问不应被视为专家,他们不会评估、纠正或检查工作. 而, 他们会问问题, 提供的视角, 确定相关资源, 帮助确定修改的机会, and work to support students in editing and revising their own work. 

    We suggest you frame writing center appointments as an opportunity for students to work on their writing with a consultant, rather than as an opportunity to get feedback or guarantee quality. 写作中心的咨询旨在促进学习和帮助作家发展他们的写作技巧和过程.

  • How will I know if a student goes to the 写作中心?

    我们的 consultants write a short note after each session and email that note to the writer. Your students 可以 simply forward that email to you; alternately, if they provide your name and email address to their consultants, 我们可以把那封邮件直接发给你.


  • Can I require my students to visit the 写作中心 for a particular assignment?

    Most likely yes, as long as you work with us to support those visits. 

    我们很高兴与您合作,安排您的所有学生访问写作中心,以完成特定的作业. 使这次访问尽可能有效, 我们会问你一些正规赌博十大平台排行课堂的问题, 你的学生, 提前布置作业. 请注意,除非我们参与计划,否则我们不能承诺满足要求的访问. (Two weeks' notice required, available in weeks 3-9 only.)

    If our schedule is unable to accommodate individual visits, 我们可以设置成对或小组访问,或留出一些专门的写作工作室时间,让您的学生完成他们的项目,并向顾问咨询问题. 

    如果您想安排您的学生与写作中心的顾问进行必要的/有奖励的预约, 请透过电邮联络我们 wrc@ibelstaffjackets.com 至少提前两周讨论备选方案. 请发送您的课程名称和编号, 招生人数, 还有一份作业和截止日期的复印件.  

  • 写作咨询能做什么,不能做什么?

    Writers who visit us 在线 will participate in an interactive, collaborative discussion about their papers with peer consultants, 谁会帮助你设定目标, 生成策略, and identify resources; ask questions about assignment prompts and previous feedback; and help students to learn new skills and 概念s. 

    我们的 consultants do not involve reviewing papers in advance or guaranteeing correctness. 咨询顾问 do not proofread or edit for students, mark up papers, or check citations. 

    咨询顾问 可以 talk about and help students to do all of these things, but please note that the 写作中心 is a learning site, and individual students retain agency and responsibility for their learning and writing choices.